Monday, September 29, 2008

Swedish Weaving

The pictures I have included are samples of how much or how little weaving you wish to do, based on the pattern you choose. The Heritage Weave took much longer to make than Jewel because the design called for more yarn and more weaving to fill in the design. I will continue to display pictures of different designs to give you an idea of how beautiful the afghans are.


hahn_kari said...

The Heritage design looks like something more of a beginner could handle. Do you agree?

one4crafting said...

The Jewel pattern would be an easy one to begin with. As you see in the pictures, Jewel uses less yarn and the rows don't require much weaving for a pattern.

The afghan patterns generally consist of repeating rows of pattern. On the Heritage pattern, you are weaving what looks like trees, so you are weaving yarn through a lot of floats to create the design.

If you are interested, please contact me and I will get you started!